Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training


Session 1: Yoga Origins, Types, Lineage and Becoming a Teacher
What is Yoga; it?s origins and history up to present. Relevance for the transition into Aquarian Age.
Types of Yoga: traditional and modern. Definition of yoga and yogi/ni.

KY as the mother of all yogas. Householder?s dharma. Balance shakti/Bhakti.
Golden chain. Adi mantra & class structure. Baba Sri Chand, Guru Ramdas is Gurdev, YB,
Code of ethics ? Professional Code & 16 Facets of the Teacher. 7 steps to happiness.


Session 2: Shabd, Mantra & Sadhana
Quantum Shabd Guru:
The 4 yugas, kali Yug and Naam as the supreme yoga of Kali Yug.
The nature of the age we live in. [the grey transition between Piscean and Aquarian era.
The changes and challenges of the times, and what is needed.
Sensory human: The body as a communication system;
Mantra: the meanings, effect, and how to chant the mantras of Kundalini Yoga.

Sadhana: The importance and value of daily discipline of exercise and meditation.
Building your sadhana (personal spiritual practice) slowly and steadily.


Session 3: The map – Yogic and western anatomy.
Western anatomy: body systems and specific organs.

How stress, and lifestyle can effect and how yoga and diet help
Addiction and how yoga helps. Cautions and pitfalls. Power/money/sex.
The yoga process; concept of energetics rejuvenation /balance/ elimination [G.O.D.]
Yogic anatomy of Gunas, Tattwas, Chakras, Nadis, Vayus, prana and apana.
The path of the Kundalini and the 3 locks/bhandas.


Session 4: Breathing & Living
Pranayama: Body ? breath ? brain – consciousness
What, how, why of the breath. Its nature, importance, variations & effects.

Yogic Lifestyle: Guidelines, wisdom and tips for all aspects of life.

How to awake, hydrotherapy, diet, times of day, getting the best sleep
Addiction: and how yoga life-style helps.
Relaxation: ? its importance, different techniques.

Session 5; The Technology of the Times; Posture
Kriyas; (concept and practice)
Asanas; (angles, triangles, rhythm). The effects/benefits/cautions. Including Shivasana.


Session 6; Mind & Meditation:
The techniques, types, effects over time (minutes and days), stages and states.
Gong, mala, mantra, celestial communication, mudras, prayer, satnam rasayan.
tratakam and points of focus. Tantra; black, red and white.
Brief outline of 4 limbs of Patanjali?s Ashtanga: Pratyahaar, Darana, Dhyana, Samadh.
The 3 minds; training the mind.

Session 7; Humanology:
We are Spirits here for the Human Experience.
The possible Hu-man Be-ing, soul?s choice, soul?s journey,
Pregnancy – 120 days,. Birth ? 40 days. Role of the mother and father.
Being fe/male, growing up, Moon Points, Lifecycles. Meditations for Wo/men.
Relationships ?the highest yoga. Venus Kriyas. Tips for Communication.
(same gender relations: material being prepared).


Session 8: Roles And Responsibilities : In and out of the class setting.
The Art of being a student: Obey, serve, love, excel.
5 steps to wisdom, the 4 errors.

The nature and art of a teacher: poke, provoke, confront to elevate.

2 laws – keep up and deliver. Teacher?s Oath. 16 Facets. Code of ethics.

Teaching in different spaces, different levels, and different groups.
Before, during and after the class. (reminder of pitfalls; power/money/sex)
Message, market & media. Preparing yourself, preparing the class,
Managing, and maintaining, the time, the space, the ambience & the people.
Administration, Gurudakshina and prosperity.
(Relation between Kundalini Yoga and Sikh dharma. Will be covered in Ashram Experience)

Session 9: Yogic Philosophy, Death & Dying
Philosophy: Key terms and common concepts in Yogic Philosophy.
Sutras of Patanjali. Importance of Concentration.
Yamas and Niyamas in detail, From Pranayama to Samadhi
Maya and the cycle of manifestation <–> the ladder of subtly.
Death & Dying: What happens when we die and after we die?
The stages, the issues, the opportunity, and the technology.

Dead/Liberated while Alive.


Session 10 (5 Days)- Ashram Experience: Completion & Continuity
Ten Spiritual Bodies; and Applied Science of Spiritual Numerology [Karam Kriya].
KY and Sikh Dharma: Differences and Similarities
Community living: model for the future.
Resources for the teacher, [Including Community and continuity.]
Answer & questions. Preparation for exam
Viewing and experiencing Yogi Bhajan through videos.
Exploring the master?s words ? Book: The Master?s Touch
Personal check in. Improving teaching skills.

(Going deep in practicum feedback) ? You are a teacher by your word.