Course Curricular:
Part 1 “Training The Mind To Right Understanding”
Change comes through exchange. Exchange happens in relation. Relation is communication. To be a presence that consciously inspires meaningful change in the communication with others in the world is only possible after sacrificing our misconceptions.
The first part of the training is to see through the mind and its many tricks; we will examine ego-mind and the games it plays from the view of spiritual insight. This will include a study of the 7 steps to hell contrasted with the 7 steps to happiness. In addition you will learn to recognise the cosmic fairy tale that is being played out in the lives of every individual being. With this transparency of the mind we will take a new look at the concept of a professional code of ethical conduct.
Freeing the consciousness from the trap of mistaken identity makes it possible to then train the mind to the true vision and understanding that will result in our words becoming a bridge between the individual and the cosmic, the personal and the universal. The mind will be able to perceive and honour the divine order in action.
This part of the training is also to explore the professional basis for Karam Kriya Consultancy, the game of questions and answers, the use of the visual faculty of the mind and the nature of knowledge.
Normally this stage is minimum of 5 days of training.
Students will have to be highly motivated and ready to go through accelerated learning processes as well as continue the training in their own time with homework.
Part 2 “The Five Universal Voices and Their Sequences”
The second part of the training will begin to explore the whole nature of language and communication in general. You will be introduced to the 5 voices that govern all human communication. You can imagine that every conversation between two people is taking place over 4 telephone lines at the same time, while the synthesis of these gives the 5th voice. You will be introduced to each of these communication lines and how they relate to each other. You will gain a general sense of the nature of each voice and its pathway of unfolding.
The second stage described above is also recommended to be studied over a minimum of 5 training days. For some people this might be all they want to do and the general introduction phase will be over.
Part 3 “The Voice of Magic is Numbers”
Then comes the Third stage of training. At this 3rd stage we will introduce the basic universal laws that are at work behind every system, religion and philosophy. While the universal attitude is one of loving service, the common essence, or building blocks, of every teaching is the subtle language of numbers. In this 3rd stage you will become familiar with the magic of numbers and start to develop a kind of x-ray vision that allows you to see the inner structure of all things and people.
Part 4 “Application of the Voices in the Healing Conversation”
Now it is time to go in deeper. The 4th stage is for those who are ready to take this work more seriously.
It is proposed to go in deeper beyond the introductions that have been shared so far and intensify the study of each of the voices and their inter-relation. We will look deeply at the specific themes of each voice that plays out its existence in everyone?s lives. We will learn to be flexible enough in our own communication that we can choose the voice that we respond to others with. We will know the mysterious voice of magic, the compassionate voice of medicine, the rational voice of science, the intuitive voice of art and the integrative voice of learning.
It is recommended that the student spends at least 5 training days on each of the first four voices. This is a minimum of 20 days. There will be plenty of home study for the student that is enthusiastic and committed.
Part 5
Then a 5th stage will be for advanced and specialised application of the knowledge of the numbers and the 5 voices. We will look at implications of these insights to group work and other specialised areas according to requirements of the students on the course. This stage will include the supervision of the student in the study and application of their choice.
Part 6
This is for those who wish to become involved as trainers in Karam Kriya. Ask for details.