Entries by Amrit Singh

The Process of Creation

Most people have the process of creation reversed. They believe that if they?have?a thing, for example more time, money, a relationship, they can?do?something, which will allow them to?be?? happy, contented, etc. This is?have-do-be. The problem is the process of creation is the reverse;?be ? do ? have. If you want to?have?a different outcome then you […]

Kundalini Yoga for Addiction

The process and effect of addictions Many addictions start in the teens as an attempt to escape from uncomfortable feelings. Since drugs have a numbing effect some addicts show a lack of emotional maturity stemming from a ‘freezing’ of their emotional development from this time. Yoga postures and deep breathing allow feelings to flow again. […]

The 5 Reasons for Any Disease

We are made up of 5 Tattwas or Elements; earth, water, fire, air and ether which correspond with wilfulness/lust, greed, anger, pride and attachment. The elements are responsible for projecting our passions and our attitudes. We cannot escape the primal drives evoked by the passions, they are a big part of what makes us human, […]

The 5 Levels of Healing

The 5 Levels of Healing There are 5 levels to healing and though healing on one level can trigger healing on another it helps to be aware of their differences. The most profound healing happens when all levels are addressed. (1) Healing at the earth and mineral level. This includes remembering our soul nature and […]

Keep Up!

  When we have a regular yoga and meditation practice we remain bright, receptive and self-sufficient, embrace the flow of life and tend to complain less. This implies that there is an inbuilt resistance to change and going with the flow when we don?t keep up with a regular practice.   This is true.   […]

If you don’t go within you go without

It has been said that It doesn’t matter what your external life is like if you don’t have access to the soul you are poor The teachings encourage us to; turn our attention inward by closing down the nine holes (sensory orifices) so that our inner light can shine. Our self-illumination can then shine a […]

Yogic Process part 2; 3 Levels of Health

3 levels of health Let us consider the 3 levels of health and how the 3 processes of yoga give us the tools to recapture the deep and lasting health that vitality brings. Fitness. This is the correct use of the body. Each muscle, organ and thought has its own strength but at this level […]

The Yogic Process

The Yogic Process There are 3 processes – Rejuvenate/Harmonise/Eliminate or Gather, Organise and Deliver/Destroy. (Yogi Bhajantakes the fist letters of these words to make G.O.D.) The gathering in process is the strengthening, the tonification. The harmonisation is also the action of organising or balancing the energies. To eliminate is to cleanse, to let go of […]

The technology of the yoga of sound, part 1

Sat Nam, In the previous article,?I wrote about some of the problems that are unique to the modern age and indicated that Shabd Guru (the sound that is a teacher; Sha = ego, bd = to cut) has a central role to play in healing these maladies. I would like to share a bit more […]

Problems of the Age?

Chronic illness, including changes happening at a cellular level (for example cancer is the uncontrolled division of abnormal cells), auto immune disease (the system that would normally protect you starts attacking you), hormonal imbalances leading to sleep disturbances and mood swings including irritability and anger, sugar cravings, high/low blood pressure, PMS, low/high libido, addictions/obsessions/compulsions, depression, […]